How to Store Vinyl Records Properly - Tips Every Record Collector Should Know

record shelves

Photo by LABEND HOME customer

If you’re a vinyl record collector, you know that your record collection is an important part of your life. You want your records to sound great and look good. But what about storage? The way you store your vinyl collection is just as important as playing it. So let’s take a look at some tips for storing your vinyl records the right way! 

Keep Your Vinyl Records Clean and Dry

The first rule of keeping vinyl records in tip-top shape is to keep them clean and dry. Dust on the surface of the record can cause scratches, so it’s important to make sure that dust doesn’t find its way onto the surface of the record by cleaning them regularly. A soft cloth or microfiber cloth will do the trick. It’s also important to make sure that they aren’t exposed to extreme temperatures or humidity levels which can cause warping or other damage over time.

Check out this top rated cleaning kit here!

Store Vinyl Records Vertically

It’s easy to stack up a pile of records horizontally but this can cause warping over time as they press against each other. Storing the record collection vertically in a shelf allows air to circulate between them and keeps them from pressing against each other, so it is much safer for your collection overall. Make sure that when you put away a single record, you don’t place another one directly above it—leave some space between them for optimal storage conditions.

Check out these top rated record storage shelves by LABEND HOME!


Invest in Quality Sleeves and Outer Covers for Records

If you want your record collection to last for years, investing in quality record sleeves and record outer covers is essential. Quality inner sleeves help reduce friction on the surface of the record while outer covers help protect against dust and other elements that can damage the disc itself over time. It may seem like an unnecessary expense now, but it could save you from having to replace damaged records down the line!

Top rated record sleeves on Amazon!

Storing your vinyl records properly is essential if you want them to last for years and sound their best every time you spin them! Make sure they are kept clean and dry, stored vertically instead of horizontally, and invest in quality inner sleeves and outer covers if possible. Following these simple tips will ensure that your collection stays pristine no matter how often you play it! Happy collecting!




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